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Arun Spectrometers for Sale | We Buy Arun Spectrometers

We Buy, Sell, Appraise and are a Supplier of used Arun optical emission spectrometers (OES) for metal analysis. We are a dealer specializing in second hand Arun spectrometers used for base metal analysis of primary metal and secondary metal used in foundry and die casting operations.


Major manufacturers of Spectrometers include:  Angstrom, ARL, Arun, Baird, Bruker, GNR, Hilger, HORIBA Scientific, Jarrell-Ash, Labtest, Leco, Metal Power Analytical, Oxford Instruments, PANalytical, Shimadzu, Spectro, Spectro Analytical, Spectrolab Systems and Thermo Scientific - ARL.

Call - (847) 360-9170