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Techmire Die Casting Machines For Sale

We Buy & Sell Techmire Four Slide Die Casting Machines Worldwide

We Buy, Sell, Appraise and are a Supplier of Techmire Four Slide and Multi-Slide Hot Chamber Zinc and Magnesium die casting machines for the high pressure die casting (HPDC) process. We are a dealer specializing in second hand multi-slide and four slide die casting machines used in the used in the hot chamber Zinc, Zamak, Magnesium and Lead die casting processes. Techmire Models include 22, 24NT, 44NT, 66NTX, 88NTX and larger.


Major manufacturers of Hot Chamber Multi-Slide Machines include: AngelcastDynacast, Techmire, Titus, Triad Speedcaster, T-Sok Company Ltd.

Call - (847) 360-9170